
Privacy Policy of Enable Corporation.

Enable Corporation ("Enable") is committed to protecting the privacy of the customers of its web site ("Site"). Throughout cyberspace, we want to contribute to providing a safe and secure environment for all of our customers. The purpose of this Enable Privacy Policy is to inform you, as a welcome customer to the Site, the kinds of (i) information we may gather about you when you visit our Site, (ii) how we may use that information, (iii) whether we disclose it to anyone, and (iv) the choices you have regarding our use of, and your ability to correct, the information.

Our primary goal in collecting personal information from you is to provide you with a smooth, efficient, and customized experience while using our services. This allows us to provide services and features that most likely meet your needs, and to customize our service to make your experience easier and quicker.

Collection of Personal Information from Site Customers.


To fully use our services, you will need to register using our registration form, where you will be required to provide us with your personal information. During such registration, Enable asks for your name, email address, zip code, industry, occupation, and rank and position at your place of employment. The more information you volunteer (and the more accurate it is), the better we are able to customize your experience. Once you register you are no longer anonymous to Enable -- you are given an Enable User ID and are able to take full advantage of Enable's services.

Automatic Collection

Enable automatically collects and/or tracks (i) the home server domain names, e-mail addresses, type of client computer, and type of Web browser of customers to Enable's Site, (ii) the e-mail addresses of customers that communicate with Enable via e-mail, post messages to Enable's bulletin boards, or post messages to Enable's chat groups, (iii) information knowingly provided by the customer in online forms, registration forms, surveys, and contest entries, and (iv) user-specific information on what pages customers access.
Enable automatically tracks certain information about you based upon your behavior on our Site. We use this information to do internal research on our users' demographics, interests, and behavior to better understand and serve our users. This information is compiled and analyzed on an aggregated basis. This information may include the URL that you just came from (whether this URL is on our Site or not), which URL you next go to (whether this URL is on our Site or not), what browser you are using, and your Internet address.
Additionally, when a customer performs a search on Enable's Site, Enable records no information identifying the customer or linking the customer to the search performed. As necessary to provide service, Enable does record limited information for every search request and uses that information only to solve technical problems with the service and to calculate overall usage statistics.

Use of Personal Information Collected

General Purpose for Collecting the Personal Information

We use personally identifiable information about you to improve our marketing and promotional efforts, to statistically analyze Site usage, to improve our content and marketplace offerings and to customize our Site's content, layout, and services. We believe these uses allow us to improve our Site and better tailor it to meet your needs. Additionally, data on customers' home servers is aggregated for internal review and then discarded.

Targeting Customers Needs

We may also use your information to deliver information to you that, in some cases, are targeted to your interests, such as targeted banners, new services and promotions. By accepting the User Agreement you expressly agree to receive this information.

Contacting Customers

We will use your email address, your mailing address, and phone number to contact you regarding administrative notices, new product offerings, any other policies or agreements relevant to site customers, and communications relevant to your use of the Site.

Resolving Disputes and Enforcement of our User Agreement

We use information in the file we maintain about you, and other information we obtain from your current and past activities on the Site, to resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems and enforce our User Agreement. At times, we may look across multiple users to identify problems or resolve disputes, and in particular on rare occasions we may evaluate your information to look for users using multiple User Identification Numbers ("User ID") or aliases.

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

Internet Shortcomings

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, Enable cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us or from our online products or services, and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we make our best effort to ensure its security on our systems.

Protection of Data

We use secure server software to encrypt the information you send us during a session. From the moment you enter the members only area of the Site to the moment you leave, all data transferred between your browser and our servers is encrypted. This insures that everything from your user name and password to your internal document numbers and order details are never passed across the Internet "in the clear".

Password Protection

Your Enable account information and Enable profile are password?protected so that you and only you have access to this personal information. You may edit your Enable Account Information and Enable profile by using your User ID and password. We recommend that you do not divulge your password to anyone. Enable will never ask you for your password in an unsolicited phone call or in an unsolicited email.

Sharing of Personal Information

We use the above-described information to tailor our service to suit the needs of our customers. This is essential to making our service the best it can be. We do not share information about individual customers with any third party without the consent of our customer. Enable will notify customers before posting collected data on Enable's Site, or sharing, renting, selling, or otherwise disclosing data to third parties. Enable will disclose to third parties only information in aggregate form.

Authorized Uses of Personal Information. The following describes some of the ways that your personal information may be disclosed:

(i) In Aggregate Form. We do aggregate personally identifiable information and disclose such information in aggregate to advertisers and for other marketing and promotional purposes. However, in these situations, we do not disclose to these entities any information that could be used to personally identify you. Certain information, such as your password, User ID, street address, city, state, zip code, country, phone number, email, and company name, are not disclosed to marketing advertisers in aggregate at all.
(ii) Investigations. We can (and you authorize us to) disclose your User ID, name, street address, city, state, zip code, country, phone number, email, and company to Enable customer as we in our sole discretion believe necessary or appropriate in connection with an investigation of fraud, intellectual property infringement, piracy, or other unlawful activity.
(iii) Legal Requests. Enable cooperates with law enforcement inquires and other third parties to enforce laws, intellectual property and other rights. Therefore, Site participants, intellectual property and other rights owners, and local, state, federal and international law enforcement can request and may receive your personally identifiable information. We may be forced to disclose information to the government or third parties under certain circumstances. We can (and you authorize us to) disclose any information about you to law enforcement or other government officials as we, in our sole discretion, believe necessary or appropriate, in connection with an investigation of fraud, intellectual property infringements, or other activity that is illegal or may expose us to legal liability.

Use of Other Customer's Personal Information

By entering into our User Agreement, you agree that, with respect to other user's personally identifiable information that you obtain through the Site or through an Enable related communication or Enable facilitated transaction, Enable hereby grants to you a license to use such information only for: (a) Enable related communications that are not unsolicited commercial messages, (b) using co-branded services offered through Enable (e.g. escrow, insurance, shipping and fraud complaints), and (c) any other purpose that such user expressly opts into after adequate disclosure of the purpose(s). In all cases, you must give users an opportunity to remove themselves from your database and a chance to review what information you have collected about them. In addition, under no circumstances, except as defined in this Section, can you disclose personally identifiable information about another user to any third party without our consent and the consent of such other user after adequate disclosure. Note that law enforcement personnel and other rights holders are given different rights with respect to information they access.

Access to and Ability to Correct Personal Information

Upon request via postal mail, e-mail, or phone, Enable will provide to customers a summary of any personal information retained by Enable regarding the customer. Customers may modify, correct, change, or update their personal record or cause their personal record to be removed from Enable's database. Enable will only send personal records to the e-mail address on file for the customer name associated with it.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Enable reserves the right to change this policy at any time by notifying customers of the existence and location of the new or revised privacy policy.

Other Information Collectors.

Except as otherwise expressly discussed in this Privacy Policy, this document only addresses the use and disclosure of information we collect from you. To the extent that you disclose your information to other parties, whether they are bidders, buyers or sellers on our system or other sites throughout the Internet, different rules may apply to their use or disclosure of the personal information you disclose to them. To the extent that we use third party advertisers, they adhere to their own privacy customs and policies. Since Enable does not control the privacy policies of third parties, you are subject to the privacy customs and policies of that third party. We encourage you to ask questions before you disclose your personal information to others.